Monday, September 15, 2008

The Palin Bait-and-Switch

I think everyone accepts the idea that Sarah Palin was put on the ticket for Political, rather than Policy, reasons. John McCain believes that she will help him win this election, and he is obviously willing to do anything to make that happen. But will he really keep her around? Why? Would it not make more sense for her to make a graceful exit sometime between Nov 5th and Jan 20th? Granted, it will piss the living bejesus out of the Xian wingnuts, but so what? They are only necessary on election day. When it comes to running the country, do you really think McCain wants their input on anything? And if he's not planning on surviving to a second term would he really care if he burnt this bridge?

Look for Trigger or Bristol or one of that brood to suddenly need Momma Pitbull at home. She can bow out and Tom Ridge or Joe Lieberman can step in. The neocon cabal will go along with this because the Palin brand won't be tainted, and she can re-emerge in 2012 better prepared to be sold to the sheep. Or mooses.

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