Tuesday, September 16, 2008

McCain Invents The Blackberry

Briefly saw a headline stating that McCain had invented the blackberry. Okay leaving aside the fact that the weren't 'invented' they were bred, this is patently false, since we had blackberries growing wild all over the place when I was growing up. This is obviously a childish swipe at McCain's age that we Democrats should not be engaging in. We have the upper hand on the issues, there's no need to wade into the gutter.

UPDATE: Apparently the article was referring to the PDA/Cell Phone. Okay, leaving aside the fact that it was patented by the Canadian company RIM, this is just ludicrous on the face of it. Ask yourself, which of the following quotes can you more easily imagine coming from John McCain:

1) "I envision a hand-held device that offers the next step in the convergence of computers and cell phones, running both GSM and Bluetooth protocols"

2) "I like pie"

In keeping with the obvious Al Gore references, I'm waiting for word to leak out that John McCain was the real life inspiration of Jean Valjean.

1 comment:

Cap'n Bob said...

I hadn't seen that statement that McCain likes pie - whether it was made from blackberries or some other heavily seeded fruit. Seems odd that someone his age (most likely with dentures) would choose them.

Anyway, he HAD to invent something to utilize that 'internet' thingy that Al Gore built back when HE was running for President....LOL